Foto Friday - Blue Pod Lupine
Hello everyone!
Today's shot is one that I captured in the Acton Arboretum of some Blue Pod Lupines. They were beautiful, and I captured them so they were separated from the blurred background, to bring the viewers eye right to them.
For the Technology Geeks, this was a four shot, focus stacked capture. Each shot was captured at 1/160s, F4.0, ISO200, with a 90mm Macro Lens (Sony 900mm). The shot was at F4.0 to guarantee that the background would be separated from the subject, keeping the viewers eye on the Lupine. I took 4 separate manually focussed shots, progressing the focus point forward through the flower. After initial cleanup in Lightroom. I opened the 4 shots as layers in Photoshop. I then selected all 4 layers, did an Edit -> Auto Align Layers, and then Edit -> Auto Blend Layers, and it was completed.
Hope you enjoy!